Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Claudette Colvin

Claudette Colvin, Twice Toward Justice
by Phillip Hoose

Claudette Colvin, Twice Toward Justice by Phillip Hoose is told through voices from the time. A time when Jim Crow law ruled the south. When racial divide was so deeply rooted African American people were likened to that of a dog. Separated in everything from theaters, water fountains, schools, to bus seating African American people where dehumanized. Is there any wonder why one could not see themselves as the beautiful, powerful, intelligent people they were?

"There is no such thing as 'good hair' -- hair is just hair." Claudette's teacher Miss Nesbitt taught there was history before slavery. She taught her students to love their selves no matter the color of their skin or the length of their hair. Claudette's teachers instilled a fire in her that made her want to make a difference. She dreamed of liberating her people. Teachers can have such an impact on students' lives. We never know who we will touch or whose life we might change. We are powerful people that can change a person's path in life.

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